My courses are designed not only to provide you the teaching to pass an exam, but to arm you with sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to put this immediately into practice. It will make you more confident in your day to day work and hopefully improve your work life, be it interviewing for a new job or improving your IT environment to make it more efficient or cheaper with less issues.
Lifetime access
Once you have enrolled into the course(s), it's yours for the lifetime of the course. No subscription required and you can take as much time as you need to go through it or re-do it as many times as you like.
Certification courses will be kept up to date in line with their exams. As long as an exam is current, the course content will be up to date to ensure everything is covered.
If there is a certificate or exam refresh, the course name will reflect for which certificate it is suitable.
Practice questions & exams
Every certification course has practice questions and one or more practice exams.
Demo's & labs
Courses have practical lessons which you can watch and/or implement in your own environment. Every course will contain instructions on how to create one or more AWS accounts and the course attempts to stay within the allocation of the free tier of your AWS account when you follow along, however when you follow along especially in the more complex demo's, AWS costs could be ~$10 per month. It will allow you to do the demo's at your own pace without the risk that your environment will be periodically purged and the demo's will have increased complexity to mirror real world situations.
Additionally, you'll have access to a Github repo which contains all scripts, CloudFormation templates and other assets used in the lessons.
Professional captions
All courses have professionally created captions added in English. No gobbledegook or strangely worded sentences such as with auto- or self- generated captions.
Money back guarantee
The courses offers excellent value for the one time enrolment fee. You will gain full access to the materials, which will receive constant updates for the lifetime of the certification. I'm so confident in the value, I offer a 14-day unconditional money-back guarantee. All I ask is that you contact me and give me some feedback on what you didn't like.
TechStudy community
Our TechStudySlack community is growing every day with people from all over the world passionate about tech. It doesn't matter if you just started out, are changing careers or are a veteran IT person, students help each other studying or solving issues they are encountering related to tech. You're welcome to join us on slack here or check our forums here.
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